Friday, July 13, 2012

Make Your Furniture POP!

Currently the house I live in is a rental so there isn't much I can do in the decorating department because I don't want to have to fill holes or repaint when I leave so my decor is minimal. I saw maybe in a magazine the suggestion to paint the insides of a cabinet to give it a POP of color. I have this huge white armoire that I knew would be perfect for this type of treatment! With the help of Hubby, we took the slider doors off and took the shelves out so those too could be painted on all sides.

I picked the Benjamin Moore Color in Tropicana Cabana. It is utterly disgusting how much I love this color and it can be quite an overwhelming color but when used in little spots and spaces it is perfect for creating a unique piece. Make sure you dust and clean the area you are painting and make sure it is completely dry before you start to paint. I used two coats and did not sand at all. I used a ultra smooth roller and went to town.

After I put all my books and stuff back in the cabinet, the color didn't show as much as I wanted it to so I decided to take the slider doors back off and just leave it open. With the area being as small as it is, I love being to see the color over the dining room table and I now have a new project...
Making some sort of picture frames out of the slider doors!!